Advanced Capacity Planning for Cloud and AI Resources

Optrilo saves businesses up to 50% on cloud expenditures by optimizing Cloud and AI supply and demand using probabilistic AI-driven forecasting It identifies optimal order dates for cloud resources, aligning spend with business objectives and avoiding over- and under-capacity scenarios.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Demand Forecasting

    Stochastic Demand Models: Generates a series of demand forecasts using historical data and future goals.

    Revenue Milestones: Samples probability distributions to predict when revenue milestones will be reached, calculates growth rates, and generates revenue series with expected values and variances.

  • Comprehensive Supply Forecasting

    Supply Series Generation: Produces supply forecasts based on order information and availability, factoring in uncertainties in lead times.

    Cost Optimization: Identifies supply series that minimize costs associated with delivery times, using a cost function that includes carrying costs and opportunity loss.

  • Advanced Techniques

    Gradient Descent Optimization: Applies gradient descent to fine-tune order periods, ensuring minimal costs.

    Machine Learning Integration: Uses machine learning models trained on historical usage data to forecast demand and supply scenarios.

  • Adaptability

    Customized Strategies: Generate capacity plans tailored to specific supply units, each with defined quantities, lead times, and costs.

    Sensitivity Analysis: Evaluates the impact of varying factors on capacity plans, providing insights into cost and risk.

  • Knowability

    Cost Efficiency: Reduce overcapacity and undercapacity costs with precise demand and supply matching.

    Scalability: Adapt to changing business needs with flexible capacity planning.

    Risk Mitigation: Factor in uncertainties and supplier confidence levels to create robust plans.


  • Optrilo is a cloud demand forecasting and capital planning software leveraging advanced machine learning and AI algorithms. It aligns cloud resources with business objectives up to three years in advance, optimizing cloud spend and ensuring precise resource utilization.

  • Optrilo saves businesses up to 50% on cloud expenditures by generating accurate demand and supply forecasts. It identifies optimal order dates for cloud resources, aligning spend with business objectives and avoiding over- and under-capacity scenarios.

  • Optrilo is designed for Finance, P&L owners, and IT in the enterprise segment who are focusing on cloud strategy, financial planning, and resource efficiency; those who balance customer satisfaction with budget constraints, managing cloud spend amid rapidly evolving options, transitioning from reactive to strategic management, simplifying data insights, and developing strategic plans.

    Optrilo transforms your cloud cost management approach from reactive to strategic. Utilize AI and machine learning for precise demand forecasts and actionable insights. Balance fiscal responsibility with innovation, anticipate cloud needs, optimize spend, and communicate complex strategies effectively

    For those integrating digital and physical operations, overcoming resistance to change, driving innovation, formulating and defending rapid cloud migration plans, and aligning IT operations with business goals, Optrilo helps you lead your organization’s digital transformation confidently. Align cloud investments with revenue goals, optimize migration plans, and drive innovation with precise forecasting and strategic planning tools. Ensure your transformation efforts support growth and foster collaboration.

  • Optrilo employs stochastic models, including milestone-based and usage-based regression models. It utilizes historical data, future business milestones, and supply uncertainties to generate precise demand and supply forecasts. The software integrates various statistical methods, such as triangular probability distribution and Geometric Brownian Motion distribution, for accurate predictions.

  • Optrilo’s differentiation lies in its patented long-range stochastic capacity planning, extensive domain expertise, and AI-driven forecasting. It combines financial planning and cloud resource management, offering comprehensive, actionable insights and optimizing cloud spend efficiently.

  • Yes, Optrilo supports multi-cloud environments, managing and optimizing resources across various cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, ensuring flexibility and scalability.

  • Optrilo provides detailed forecasts and optimal capacity plans that align cloud resources with business goals. This approach ensures efficient resource utilization, significant cost savings, and enhanced operational agility, helping businesses maintain a competitive edge.

  • Without Optrilo, businesses may encounter inefficiencies in cloud resource management, leading to over- or under-capacity issues, unnecessary costs, and missed opportunities. This can negatively impact growth and financial performance.

  • Download our white paper to learn more about how Optrilo can help your business achieve cost-effective and efficient cloud resource management. Contact us at for a demo or visit our website for more details.